Displaying resources 1 to 100 of 187

Published: 2021
Published: 2021
Published: 2021
Published: 2021
Published: 2021
Published: 2021 Author:Olivia Wilkinson, JLI and Katherine Marshall, World Faiths Development Dialogue and the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs, Georgetown University
Published: 2005 Author:Al-Azhar Univeristy and UNICEF
Published: 2014 Author:Sonke Gender Justice, MenEngage, and MenCare
Published: 2020 Author:Shaukat Warraich & Dr Muhammad Ayub Rahim
Published: 2017 Author:Ezra Chitando and Nyambura J. Njoroge
Published: 2020 Author:Paola Pereznieto, Jenny Rivett and Virginie le Masson with Rachel George and Rachel Marcus
Published: 2020
Published: 2020 Author:Kriti Giri, Nepal Peace Service Center
Published: 2020
Published: 2020
Published: 2020 Author:WHO, UNICEF, UNESCO, UNSRSG/VAC and End Violence Against Children
Published: 2020
Published: 2016 Author:Dr. Lisa Oakley, Dr. Kathryn Kinmond, Mor Dioum & Justin Humphreys
Published: 2012 Author:The National Working Group on Child Abuse Linked to Faith
Published: 2020
Published: 2020 Author:Patricio Cuevas-Parra, Director, Child Participation and Rights, World Vision International Mario Stephano, Advisor, Child Participation, World Vision International
Published: 2016
Published: 2020 Author:Faith to Action Network, Because We Can, ACT UBUMBANO, UBOM'BAM LUVUYO, We Will Speak Out SA, Apostolic, Zanerela+Positive Faith in Action, Lutheran Action Against Gender Based Violence, Fatwa Zahra Women's Organization, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Southern Africa, Partners in Sexual Health, OIKOUMENE, Conselho Cristao de Mocambique, Baha'i Community of South Africa, The Methodist Church of Southern Africa, actalliance
Published: 2018
Published: 2019 Author:Interfaith Alliance
Published: 2016 Author:Selamawit Tadesse
Published: 2020 Author:UNICEF
Published: 2019 Author:Prof Hazel Barrett, Ms Laura Payne & Dr Pascal Niyonkuru
Published: 2019 Author:Stacy Nam, Dr. Olivia Wilkinson and Maya Casagrande, JLI
Published: 2019 Author:Stacy Nam, Dr. Olivia Wilkinson, and Maya Casagrande, JLI
Published: 2019 Author:Dr. Olivia Wilkinson, Stacy Nam, and Maya Casagrande, JLI
Published: 2019 Author:Dr. Olivia Wilkinson, Stacy Nam, and Maya Casagrande, JLI
Published: 2018 Author:Faith for Positive Change for Children: UNICEF, Religions for Peace, Joint Learning Initiative on Faith & Local Communities
Published: 2019 Author:Selina Palm and Carola Eyber
Published: 2019 Author:Carola Eyber and Selina Palm
Published: 2019 Author:UNICEF, Joint Learning Initiative on Faith & Local Communities (JLI) and Religions for Peace
Published: 2019 Author:Kathleen Rutledge and Carola Eyber
Published: 2019 Author:Selina Palm
Published: 2019 Author:Selina Palm and Francisco Colombo
Published: 2019
Published: 2018
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Published: 2018 Author:Compassion International, World Vision, Buckner, CBN and IJM Guatemala
Published: 2018 Author:Dr Olivia Wilkinson, Director of Research, JLI, and Amy Stapleton, JLI Research Assistant
Published: 2018 Author:Dr Olivia Wilkinson, Director of Research,JLI, and Amy Stapleton, JLI Research Assistant
Published: 2018
Published: 2018 Author:Virginia Gamba
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Published: 2018
Published: 2018 Author:Save the Children
Published: 2018
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