This report presents findings from the consultation component – one part of three of the JLI Ending Violence Against Children (EVAC) Hub scoping study. The study examines existing evidence, analyses trends, identifies key gaps and highlights examples of faith actors working to end violence against children. This data is crucial to help policymakers, religious leaders and practitioners inform policies and advocate for programmes and prevention efforts with faith communities to end violence against children. It will help set a future research agenda for the EVAC Hub and support evidence-based work with faith communities to end violence against children.
This scoping study offers an initial contribution to exploring existing evidence in two specific areas:
- Firstly, the unique contributions of faith communities both in relation to ending, as well as contributing to, violence against children, to understand their involvement in this sphere.
- Secondly, the role of faith actors in influencing wider child protection systems to prevent and respond to EVAC to understand the potential for their engagement
Three cross-cutting issues were identified by Hub leaders and were built into the study: child participation, gender and interfaith engagement. This report is based on evidence that all religions contain protective aspects, which offer important contributions to the EVAC task. Religious actors such as leaders, scholars, educators and faith-based organisations can play critical roles in behaviour change, service delivery, referrals and advocacy, by offering a unique entry point.
Suggested Citation: Palm, S. (2019) ‘Scoping Study on Faith actors’ involvement in the prevention, elimination and perpetuation of violence against children.’ Expert Consultation Report. Washington DC: Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local Communities Ending Violence Against Children Hub.