About this research project
Views of Muslim women in Turin on Italy’s far right: a story of struggles and hope
This study uses storytelling techniques to highlight the perspectives and thoughts about Italian far-right parties of three Muslim Italian women based in northern Italy. They represent three different paths that intersect when it comes to spirituality, social activism, representation and intercultural dialogue. The women are cultural mediators, students, social workers and activists. Their stories provide different perspectives of a little-known Italy made up of sacrifices, work, study, struggles, discrimination, but also achievements, hope, and the desire for change.
While focusing on a small number of Muslim women has allowed me to delve deep into the topic which each of them, it has at the same time reduced the opportunity to expand on the issues we discussed. The future of the present project could, then, be greatly enhanced by further exploring issues concerning the Muslim female component of Italian society, which is often overlooked.
The women’s experiences and their voices offer a glimpse of Italy living through a historical phase in which the leading party in Italy, on the centenary of the March on Rome, is a political force that has the tricolor flame as its symbol, which has its roots in fascism, and whose leader comes from that history and those ideals.
“Thanks to this project, I was able to expand my knowledge and learn more deeply about the
perceptions that Muslim women born or raised in Italy may have towards Italian politics, particularly towards far-right parties. I certainly improved my storytelling skills and enriched my personal growth as a result of the creative methodology of storytelling.“
– Khadija Tirha, Researcher
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