Date(s) - 30/09/2019
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Monday, 30th of September, at 2 pm CET, the WEASC, together with WCC and Bread for the World, hosts a webinar on the occasion of the Season of the Creation – How Churches can Really Engage in Creation Care.
- Rev. Prof. Dr. Dr. hc. Dietrich Werner, Advisor on theological questions and expert in eco-theology, Bread for the World
- Rev. Ed Brown, Creation Care Catalyst, Lausanne/WEA Creation Care Network
- Ms Athena Peralta, Programme Executive for Economic and Ecological Justice, World Council of Churches
- Dr. Ruth Valerio, Director Advocacy and Influencing, Tearfund
- Matthias Boehning, Director, WEA Sustainability Center
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