Date(s) - 26/08/2020
9:30 am - 10:30 am
The JLI new Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) Learning Hub will provide structure and support for learning exchange on MEAL with and for local faith actors. Specifically, the aim of the group will be to consider MEAL between international actors and local faith actors, taking into account existing issues, and aiming to compile good practice examples to be of use to a broad humanitarian and development audience. Learn more about the MEAL hub here
Join the Faith and MEAL Hub here
Each meeting will include a time for learning exchange on MEAL and LFAs
On August 26, we will discuss research progress on the compendium of case studies around good practices for local faith actor engagement in M&E. We will also hear from Nathan Mallonee on “How Living Water has used the Most Significant Change process as a way of engaging local faith actors.” This promises to be a valuable presentation with concrete ideas for M&E practitioners working with and as local faith actors.