Date(s) - 01/11/2021
5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
A kairos moment of COP26 when an international group of Catholic artists, activists and academics will reflect on climate justice and the integrity of creation in prayerful anticipation of a world-wide change of heart and a renewed commitment by all nations to nurture planet earth and all that exists on it.
The opening event brings together two women of faith who have dedicated their lives to writing about and reflecting on the care of creation. Multi-award winning nature writer, broadcaster and conservationist, Mary Colwell, author of Beak, Tooth and Claw: Living With Predators in Britain (2001); Curlew Moon (2018); and John Muir: The Scotsman Who Saved America’s Wild Places (2014) will look at the prophetic voices and lasting influence of St Francis of Assisi, John Muir and Pope Francis. Franciscan Sister Professor Dawn Nothwehr offers a close reading and musical rendition of the Canticle of the Creatures and finds within the poetry on the page an enduring wisdom that echoes down the centuries, speaking truth to our present age.
The Catholics and COP26 series of events will be opened by Fr Gerard H. Maguiness, General Secretary of the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland and chair of the Bishops’ Care of Creation Office. The event will be chaired by Julie Clague of the University of Glasgow.
Mary Colwell – Three Prophetic Voices: Saint Francis of Assisi, John Muir, and Pope Francis
Dawn Nothwehr – St. Francis of Assisi’s Canticle of the Creatures: A Call for a Moral Imagination of Hope and Praise
Featuring an authentic musical rendition of Francis’ Canticle
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View the event series and biographies here
Read more about the series of events here