In this Guide, you will find a mixture of activities that reflect on scriptures, draw in facts and engage people’s life experiences and emotions. Mind-Heart dialogue (MHD) often involves a physical activity to deepen discussion, include diverse voices and strengthen experiential learning. Our usual discussions can lock us into patterns of thinking and reinforce existing unbalanced power relations and structures. Adding a visual and physical element through MHD helps people become less self-conscious and defensive, engage more actively and notice new things. MHD creates a space for more equal partnerships as everyone contributes, thus catalysing innovative and collaborative thinking.
This is version 2 (2024) of the original Guide. It adds a deeper theoretical framework for facilitators to better understand the behaviour change process expected as part of MHD. The Guide aims to help dialogue facilitators to be conversant with the change process, which is the basis of planning MHD sessions. It is designed to enable the facilitators to plan and facilitate dialogue sessions for different groups. In the Guide, the following aspects are presented in an easy and ready to adopt format. This includes:
- Change Model,
- Facilitation framework,
- FPCC Journey of Change,
- Relevant, reflective exercises and activities,
- Pertinent thematic issues affecting children, families, and communities,
- Sample programmes, planning, monitoring, evaluation, and reporting tools.
Version en français disponible ici