Report on the Training of Facilitators on Mind-Heart Dialogue for Bangladesh as part of the Faith and Positive Change for Children, Families and Communities (FPCC) Initiative.
The idea to conduct a regional training on the Mind-Heart-Dialogue (MHD) in the South Asian Region had been in discussion at least since early 2021. In May 2022, at the regional faith engagement forum (Kathmandu, Nepal), the regional faith engagement…
Bienvenue dans le Plan de suivi, d’évaluation, de redevabilité et d’apprentissage (SERA) de l’Initiative Foi et changement positif pour les enfants, les familles et les communautés (FPCC, d’après son acronyme anglais). Ce plan s’appuie sur une série de documents de…
Welcome to the Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) Plan for the Faith and Positive Change for Children, Families and Communities (FPCC) initiative. It is based on a number of key reference documents such as: The FPCC Programme Guidance, the…
The Multi-Faith High-Level Forum, convened by Religions for Peace, took place from 26-27 March 2024 at the Church Centre for the United Nations in New York City. Seventy-two participants attended in person, six virtually, and an additional 36 children sent…
Ce guide vise à apporter des conseils non médicaux aux chefs religieux et aux facilitateurs du dialogue Esprit-Cœur afin de les doter des connaissances et des informations nécessaires pour promouvoir la vaccination des enfants contre les maladies et encourager les…
Ce guide propose une série d’activités qui s’appuient sur les Écritures, sur des faits et sur les expériences pratiques et les émotions des personnes. Le dialogue Esprit-Cœur (MHD) implique souvent une activité physique pour approfondir la discussion, faire participer des…
The purpose of this guide is to provide countries with operational guidance and tools for the implementation and operationalization of the country-level faith engagement coordination mechanism (also called Multi-Faith Action Coordination Committees (MFACCs) in some countries) of the Faith and…
The Northeast Social and Behaviour Change Alliance, in collaboration with Assam Don Bosco University, UNICEF Assam & Northeast, Faith and Positive Change for Children, families and Communities, and Joint Learning Initiative on Faith & Local Communities convened a pioneering three-day…
This guide aims to provide non-medical/non-clinical guidance to faith leaders and Mind-Heart Dialogue facilitators in order to equip them with the knowledge and information necessary to promote immunisation of children against diseases and encourage responsible decision-making among parents and guardians.…