Date(s) - 19/03/2018
10:00 am - 12:45 pm
Developing Effective Partnerships Between Faith and Secular Actors to Challenge Discriminatory Gender Norms and Secure Rural Women’s Rights
Co-hosted by: Permanent Mission of Denmark to the UN in New York, the ACT Alliance, DanChuchAid and UNFPA in partnership with Christian Aid, Tearfund, ABAAD, the Joint Learning Initiative on Faith & Local Communities, Norwegian Church Aid and World Vision.
Location: UNHQ, New York during UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW62)
Three panels discussed:
- What is the ‘harm’ in harmful traditional practices: a presentation of the findings from the Joint Learning Initiative’s research.
- Working effectively with faith actors to challenge discriminatory gender norms and practices: sharing best practices
- Mapping the way forward: building strong partnerships between faith and secular international development actors to challenge discriminatory gender norms and practices.