April 23rd 2020 Discussion

This discussion focused on changes to MEAL practices during COVID-19 response and opportunities for MEAL to be leveraged.

MEAL Hub members focused on their organizations experience with

  • Revising: How are you revising your MEAL practices in light of COVID-19? (i.e. no group gatherings, no home visit surveys, less public transportation, etc.)
  • Repurposing: How are you repurposing your MEAL infrastructure to participate in COVID-19 relief and response?
  1. Lincoln Lau, International Care Ministries

-Find Lincoln Lau’s presentation here.

2. Aboubacrine Ahmed Ag & Noorullah Ahmadzai, Islamic Relief USA

3. Clara Hagens, CRS

-CRS COVID-19 Site

-Considerations for Partners Guidance on MEAL in the context of COVID-19

-COVID-19 and the Critical Need to Support Local Leadership


Other resources mentioned:

  • Christian Journal for Global Health: New journal on Responding to Epidemics and Pandemics, https://journal.cjgh.org/index.php/cjgh/CFP/pandemics
  • Tearfund COVID-19 Resources: https://learn.tearfund.org/en/resources/covid-19/
  • Special edition of the Faith & Development Monitor next Monday. www.piron.global
  • JLI COVID Initiatives: https://jliflc.com/covid
    • includes the global campaign launched 7th April –  to leverage a partnership between UNICEF, Religions for Peace, and JLI “Multi-Religious Faith in Action Campaign” engaging senior religious leaders, national and regional interreligious councils, women of faith and youth networks in action-oriented partnership with UNICEF regional and country offices across the globe in our multi-religious response to COVID-19. We aim to connect the activities that evolve and are implemented at country levels to be monitored and reported in decision-making platforms established in countries to support their Ministries of Health risk communication and community engagement activities.


Join the Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning Hub (MEAL Hub). Every two months, the group will host a learning exchange on MEAL and local faith actors. Learn more about the group and register here.  Also, see the hub’s call for case studies here.