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Highlighting Research Collaboration- Refugee Hosts

JLI is excited to highlight a new four-year research collaboration led by Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh (JLI Refugees & Forced Migration Co-Chair), with Prof. Alastair Ager of Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh and Columbia University (Co-I), Dr. Anna Rowlands of Durham University (Co-I) and Prof. Lyndsey ...

Princeton’s Seeking Refuge Conference Recap

Princeton's Seeking Refuge Conference Recap Link to video sessions on Princeton Website Friday, March 3rd JLI Refugees & Forced Migration Hub met on Friday following the plenary panel of the conference. Stacy Nam, Knowledge Manager for JLI and Joey Ager led a discussion of the hub's progress and ...

Church in German state is a partner for refugees and society

Baden-Württemberg minister-president, Winfried Kretschmann, has expressed gratitude to the churches for putting Christian service and neighbourly love into practice, and not only at Sunday sermons. The German state’s governor Kretschmann gave his message in a meeting with the general secretary of the World ...

Churches Witnessing With Migrants 7

Churches Witnessing With Migrants 7 - Dec 6-8, 2016International Assembly of Migrants & Refugees - Dec 9-10, 2016Dhaka - Bangladeshparallel forums to the 9th Global Forum on Migration and Development  ( (2016/Dhaka) Documents: CWWM7SUMMARY.pdf - Summery of CWWM statements to prepare for ...

Response to UNGA Summit on Refugees from RFM hub co-chairs

Thoughts from Sadia Kidwai and Elene Fiddia-Qasmiyeh, JLI Refugees and Forced Migration Co-Chairs on the UNGA Summit on Refugees and Migrants. They also share about the purpose of the newly-established JLIF&LC Refugee & Forced Migration Learning Hub to begin addressing such questions and evidence gaps on ...

Refugees and Forced Migration Hub In-person Meeting Sept 19

JLI's first Refugees and Forced Migration Hub in-person meeting will be during the upcoming September UN General Assembly meetings.   Date and time: September 19 (6-8pm EDT), after the UN Summit on Refugees and Migrants. Light supper will be served. Place: The Salvation Army - International Social ...

Moral Imperative Public Invitation Religion and Faith in Addressing Refugees and Forced Migration Event on September 22

JLI in partnership with: The World Bank Group Faith Initiative, the United Nations Inter-Agency Task Force on Engaging with Faith-Based Organizations for Sustainable Development, the International Partnership on Religion and Sustainable Development (PaRD) as well as religious and faith based ...

The Rights of Forced Migrants in Islam

Click here  to view Islamic Relief's report, The Rights of Forced Migrants in Islam. Islam has a strong heritage of protection of forced migrants. It is a tradition which provides a robust and generous framework for the protection of and provision for forced migrants, enshrining rights such as the rights to ...

Forced Displacement, Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in the Middle East

Click here to view the World Council of Churches call to action on forced displacement, refugees, and IDPs in the Middle East. This call to action relays the urgent need for faith leaders to act on the unprecedented forced displacement crisis in the Middle East, and outlines policy recommendations ...

New Release from Forced Migration Review: Faith and Responses to Displacement

November 18, 2014 Forced Migration Review has released their 48th issue on faith and responses to displacement. The full report, available here, includes 36 articles on faith plus seven "general" articles. JLI Member Organization Islamic Relief's piece on "The role of religion in the formation of ...
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An international collaboration on evidence for faith actors’ activities, contributions, and challenges to achieving humanitarian and development goals. Founded in 2012, JLI came together with a single shared conviction: there is an urgent need to build our collective understanding, through evidence, of faith actors in humanitarianism and development.

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