Date(s) - 13/12/2016
9:30 am - 11:30 am
Ecumenical Centre
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On Tuesday 13th December, The Relational Thinking Network is organising a two hour seminar at the Ecumenical Centre. Starting at 10.30 (9.30 GMT). *Registration (with coffee and croissants) from 10.00 (9.00 GMT) with a light lunch to follow for fellowship and networking.)
Organised in collaboration with the World Council of Churches and ACT Alliance, our conversation will be informed by contributions from:
Dr Michael Schluter, CBE, Founder and Chairman of Relational Research
Professor Mathias Nebel, Caritas in Veritate Foundation, and
Peter Prove, Director, WCC Commission of the Churches on International Affairs
The invitation notes the broad consensus on the need for more effective partnering to deliver Agenda 2030’s goals and objectives for people and planet, and puts the event in the context of the Advent season and our marking 500 years since the beginning of the Reformation. Our overarching objective is to demonstrate that the relational approach has critical mass . . with examples from across the denominations.
The following paragraph sets the tone for a presentation by Dr Michael Schluter (Founder and Chairman of The Relational Thinking Network):
‘From Apologetics to Categorics: from Critique to Alternative’
In a Greek court the speech for the defence was called an ‘apologia’, the speech for the prosecution a ‘categoria’. For too long Christians have focused on defending what they believe, ‘giving a reason for the hope that is in them’ (1 Peter 3:15). Surely it is time now, when individualistic and materialistic Western thought is so evidently flawed in terms of sustainability and justice, for Christians to be actively promoting an alternative framework for politics, public policy and economy. What does this look like? And how can Christians engage more effectively in mainstream dialogue in secular societies?