Date(s) - 24/05/2017
9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Taj Pamodzi Hotel


Organized by Episcopal Relief & Development and the Zambia Anglican Council Outreach Programme (ZACOP)

The meeting will gather eminent speakers and organizations engaged in Early Childhood Development (ECD) and include a presentation by Dr. Beatrice Matafwali, of the University of Zambia on the results of a five year program evaluation – documenting how parents and primary caregivers strengthened their responsive care and early stimulation of young children (0- 6 years) and communities organized to provide preschool learning.


This forum will showcase results from both organizations in the field of ECD in high prevalence HIV context.


See Save the Date for more details

Register with Felicia Sakala, ZACOP Country Director: [email protected]