This report presents findings from field research conducted in South Sudan on the intersection of operationalizing the triple nexus (humanitarian-development-peace nexus), localization and, the particular role of local faith actors (LFAs). The report is based on twenty-one interviews with NGO staff. The organizations included DanChurchAid, five local faith actors, and three local non-faith actors. Two focus group discussions were also carried out with beneficiaries in Kapoeta. The first FGD was composed of nine respondents while the second included twelve respondents. The interviews and FGDs were conducted in March 2019 in South Sudan. This report is the second of two reports.

The first report focuses on a review of literature on the intersection of the triple nexus, localization, and local faith actors and is entitled, The Triple Nexus, Localization, and Local Faith Actors: The intersections between faith, humanitarian response, development, and peace.


Suggestion citation: O. Wilkinson, F. de Wolf, M. Alier. (2019) The Triple Nexus and Local Faith Actors in South Sudan: Findings from Primary Research. Washington DC; Copenhagen: Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local Communities; DanChurchAid


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