A Thematic Paper for the Progress Study on Youth, Peace and Security
Prepared by the Soka Gakkai International
September 2017
As a global movement of Buddhists dedicated to peace, the Soka Gakkai International (SGI) has worked on the activities for abolishing nuclear weapons issue for more than a half century, often with the engagement and even leadership of youth. In 2007, the SGI launched the “People’s Decade for Nuclear Abolition”5 (herein after referred to as the People’s Decade), a grassroots campaign aimed at rousing international public opinion against nuclear weapons and expanding the network of people who share the common goal of eliminating them from our planet. Largely initiated and led by youth, numerous activities, including workshops, symposia, exhibitions and petition drives, have been conducted over the years around the world under the banner of this campaign. The campaign has been raising awareness among the general public about the dangers of nuclear weapons while also empowering youth as protagonists who can contribute meaningfully to nuclear disarmament.
As this year marks the 10th anniversary since the launch of the People’s Decade, it is an opportune time to reflect on findings gleaned through the campaign and contribute them to the Progress Study on Youth, Peace and Security.