The eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo has been plunged into a deep and multifaceted crisis for several decades. This is characterized in particular by violent conflicts between the local communities (generally ethnic) which accuse each other and end up killing each other. However, almost all Congolese belong to a church without being truly religious or actively participating in activities. Only 1% of the population declares itself atheist. It seems that everyone believes in a certain divine providence and this includes a prominent place for religions in influencing the behavior of their followers, yet community violence continues to increase.
Religion, since time immemorial, has occupied a prominent place in our societies. As a social and cultural practice, religion refers to rites, cults, and history. These various practices permeate morality, political institutions and the rules of law as well as the gestures and habits of daily life (calendars, festivals, initiations, ceremonies etc.).
In his question, Joseph would like to know how this resource could influence the active non-violence between local communities and promote the social justice, especially here in eastern DR Congo.
This paper is published under the “Preventing Violent Extremism (PVE), Youth & Interfaith: Research Capacity Building Project”. Read more about the project on the following link: