An activity handbook for children in secondary education


is part of a Campaign for Hospitality organised by the Jesuit Network for Migrants in Latin America and the Caribbean (RJM LAC) with other sponsor organisations. The aim of the campaign and of this activity handbook is to introduce children and young people to:

  • Do we know the reality of people who are forced to move, their aspirations, difficulties and needs
  • Do we know if their rights are respected in our communities?
  • Do we realise how these people enrich our societies?
  • How can we get to know them better and welcome one another?
  • Acknowledge the reality of migrants, refugees and forcibly displaced people.
  • Discover the richness of cultural diversity and intercultural societies.
  • Welcome and respect everyone.
  • Defend the dignity and rights of foreigners, forced migrants, refugees and displaced people

There are currently more than 230 million people in the world who live outside their countries of origin. They are on the move, or have been so at some point in their lives. They could have been forced to move for a variety of reasons, ranging from adverse economic conditions to the search for new sources of income for their families, conflicts, political violence, gangs or natural disasters.

JRS Website

Primary education handbook



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