May 1st to 3rd, 2019

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Eigtveds Pakhus, Copenhagen

At the closing of last year’s GAM held at Château de Bossey, Switzerland, the PaRD Steering Group gratefully accepted the invitation by PaRD member Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark to hold the 2019 PaRD GAM in Denmark.
Thus, the 2019 PaRD General Assembly of Members (GAM) took place from May 1st to 3rd, 2019 at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark in Copenhagen. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, the Danish Network on Religion and Development in-cluding Danmission and DanChurchAid, the PaRD Steering Group and the PaRD Secretariat, organized the conference.
The current 105 PaRD members and observers were invited to participate in a diverse conference. Over 150 representatives of members and observers followed the local hosts’ invitation to Eigtveds Pakhus in the Danish capital.
The GAM consisted of public sessions (p.1.), PaRD-internal plenary sessions (p. 2), meetings of the PaRD Steering Group (p. 4) and its sub-committees (p. 4), and meetings of the PaRD work-streams (p. 6). All agenda items were designed to provide opportunities for discussion, exchange, and mutual learning.

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