The idea to conduct a regional training on the Mind-Heart-Dialogue (MHD) in the South Asian Region had been in discussion at least since early 2021. In May 2022, at the regional faith engagement forum (Kathmandu, Nepal), the regional faith engagement strategy and road map for South Asia was developed. In October 2022, the Regional Advisory Group (RAG) for South Asia was convened virtually, and it was followed by a RAG Workshop on Faith Actors for Child Rights and Well-being, held in Colombo (Sri Lanka) between 13th and 15th August 2023.
Initially it was suggested that the Regional MHD Training of Trainers (TOT) for South Asia be limited to 05 selected countries in the region. However, at the Regional Advisory Group (RAG) Workshop held in Colombo between 13th & 15th August 2023, it was proposed to extend the regional MHD training to all 8 countries in South Asia.
As a result of the aforementioned, a Regional Training of Trainers (TOT) on Mind-Heart-Dialogue for South Asia was planned to be held at UNICEF ROSA, Kathmandu, between 27th November and 1st December 2023. 34 trainers / facilitators representing 8 countries and various faith-based-organizations (FBOs), civil society organizations (CSO), and UNICEF were selected to be a part of the regional MHD TOT. Out of the 34 selected trainers/ facilitators, 32 participated in-person at this regional training.
Training was facilitated by 03 Master Trainers / Facilitators of Sarvodaya Institute of Higher Learning (SIHL), of the Sarvodaya Movement (Sri Lanka). Members of UNICEF ROSA, and the Joint Learning Initiative on Faith & Local Communities (JLI) also contributed in facilitation of the TOT.