The SMC (Swedish Mission Council) was founded in 1912, following the 1910 mission conference in Edinburgh, and has since then been working in the intersection between religion and development. Religious actors – whether Muslim, Christian, Hindu, or any other confession – have always been, still are and will continue to be, key to development. This is an insight made by the SMC during more than 100 years’ of practical experience with development cooperation together with religious actors. It is also a conclusion to be drawn from an increasing amount of research. Being able to relate to religion and religious actors is decisive to anyone who wants to make a difference in development cooperation. It is therefore encouraging to see that the interest in the role of religion in development is growing, internationally as well as in Sweden. It is not only an interest of religious actors and faith-based organisations, but a concern for religious and secular organisations alike. The SMC is working to raise the awareness of, and strengthen the capacity to relate to, religion and religious actors in development. In order to be successful, this must be done as a joint venture, between everyone working towards a sustainable world where people can live their lives in dignity. As a source of knowledge and inspiration, the SMC is happy to offer the anthology “For Better, for Worse: The Role of Religion in Development Cooperation” in a second, revised and expanded edition.

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