UN Environment held its fourth Environment Assembly during 11-15 March 2019, with the themes of sustainable consumption and production, and innovative approaches to solving environmental issues. The Faith for Earth Initiative held its thematic dialogue in the Faith and SDG Tent, and convened bilateral and multilateral meetings with faith-based organisations’ (FBOs) representatives on issues of sustainable development and the environment.

The overall aim of the Faith for Earth Dialogue was to provide faith leaders and faith-based organisations an opportunity to present their positions, experiences and interfaith engagement as related to the main theme of the UN Environment Assembly – “Innovative solutions for environmental challenges and sustainable consumption and production”. Furthermore, the dialogue has provided the participants with an opportunity to reflect on UN system activities and on how it can integrate the initiative into its programme of work and partner with FBOs. Discussions also included ways of coordinating current and future efforts. Holding the dialogue during UNEA-4 was a golden opportunity for accredited FBOs to engage in policy dialogue with major groups and stakeholders, as well as with representatives of member states.

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