People destabilized by armed conflict, including refugees, internally displaced persons, in particular, women and children are at increased risk of exposure to HIV infection (United Nation General Assembly 2001). The above quotation suggests that internally displaced persons in general and women and children in particular are among the most vulnerable groups who are exposed to an increased risk of contracting HIV/AIDS. As a matter of fact, a number of factors may facilitate the prevalence of the disease among the IDPs. On one hand, the vulnerability of the women emerges from the fact that they are at increased risk of sexual violence and abuse during conflicts and wars (Amowitz et al. 2002, p. 329). This is because at the time of conflicts, rape was considered a weapon of war. Moreover, conflicts and wars usually break down the institutions as well as the social networks that provide support and protection to the women (UNESCO and UNHCR 2007). On the other hand, the psychological effect which is caused by the exposure to the mass trauma during wars leads to alcohol and drug abuse, especially among young people. This may influence their attitudes towards risky behaviors such as unsafe sexual practices that lead to sexual transmitted diseases such as AIDS (UNESCO and UNHCR 2007).

In the absence of an effective medical cure or vaccine, knowledge and awareness about HIV/AIDS are considered the most powerful weapons against the disease (Kelly 2009). The question posed here is: From where do vulnerable people in IDPs situation acquire knowledge about HIV/AIDS? To answer this question, this paper aims to identify the main channels from which young people in Dar el Salaam IDPs camp in Omdurman-Sudan acquire knowledge about HIV/AIDS.

The researcher will first highlight the methods which used to collect data in this study, then will explain how samples for this study were identified and selected. Discussion of the ethical issues that were considered will as well take place, followed by illustrating the qualitative research methods which followed in this study. Following that, will be discussed against studies done on similar issues, the researcher will provide some recommendations and conclusions for further studies.

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