For more than 15 years “Fundacion Una Brisa de Esperanza” (Breeze of Hope Foundation) has been using an innovative approach for comprehensive management for children victims of sexual violence.

This document of the case study does not use religious language because we have learned in the previous two decades that sexual violence against children cross all cultural, ethnic, socioeconomic or religious groups. The solution to this very serious public health problem requires also a broad participation of whole society including the government. So, 15 years ago, we decided to remove religious language in this type of work to overcome multiple obstacles we were facing at that time because we were perceived with a religious agenda. We learned that our parish is the world and that our Father, as Jesus expressed in his last prayer, does not want that we position ourselves out of the world (the field toward He has sent us). The suffering in children and their mothers is too much and we cannot restrict in any way our service and our efforts to stops such as horrendous and prevalent crime.

We as team have done a lot of theology in sexuality and intimacy and how this has been deeply distorted by the androcentric and adultocentric society who has turned away from God’s Kingdom and the role children play in it. Unfortunately, this androcentric and adultocentric society has also penetrated different religious groups and faith traditions. So, even though the team is highly committed in theory and practice to be obedient to God’s call to protect children, our “non-religious” language has allowed us to reach many institutions, social groups, communities, political parties and government that otherwise would not hear neither engage to a new way of seeing, listening and interacting with infants and children. Salt is not to be at the salt shaker and the Kingdom of God should quietly and effectively permeate all the other kingdoms built by humans.

Our faith is our strength and our witnesses is our daily work serving and loving these girls and boys that have experienced one of the most cruel and inhuman crimes. In this journeyed have seen how God use our work to strength or to initiate other people spiritual and faith in the living God and in the foundations of the throne: justice.

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