What does the JLI Conflict Transformation Hub do?

The Conflict Transformation Hub focuses on research, practice and research capacity-sharing with a faith-sensitive outlook. It was launched in February 2023, following a three-month research capacity-sharing project on Preventing Violent Extremism (PVE), conflict, peace, faith and youth, that involved 12 participants from around the world.

The hub brings together 12 young researchers with practitioner, activist and academic backgrounds from Asia, Africa, Europe and the Middle East.

Initiatives aimed at transforming violent conflict and promoting justice and peace are increasingly criticised for adopting top-down perspective, sidelining local actors and civil society voices, including notably youth, women, faith actors, and people from the Global South, who tend to be excluded from knowledge production processes aimed at informing academic and policy debates.

The hub therefore aims to provide space for young actors working in, with and for their communities to collaboratively build their research skills, critically engaging with existing research and producing and disseminating new evidence.

From 2015-2017, JLI had a Peace and Conflict hub, which organised regular learning sessions and produced a scoping study on peace, conflict and religions. Information about the old hub can be found here or in the Hub menu above.


Policy Brief: Participatory Research Capacity-sharing For Preventing Violent Extremism (PVE), Conflict And Peace Practitioners And Activists: Insights From An International, Collaborative Project Focused On PVE, Youth And Interfaith

This brief is aimed at policymakers, practitioners and donors working on PVE, conflict and peace and/or research capacity-sharing. It summarises key learnings from a PVE-focused collaborative research capacity-sharing project implemented by the Joint Learning ...

Join the Conflict Transformation Hub!

Joining the Conflict Transformation Hub is free for everyone. As a member of this Hub, you can connect with colleagues around the world to share expertise and build collaborations that improve understanding and practices for faith engagement in conflict transformation. We welcome you to share resources and other learnings with peers.

We hope that members will be seekers and gatherers of knowledge and spur each other on towards informing and improving policy and practice between faith groups, humanitarian, and development communities.