The Alliance for Peacebuilding (AfP) is the institutional home for the peacebuilding community—a network of over 100 organizations working to resolve conflict and create sustainable peace in 153 countries.

Since its incorporation in 2003, the Alliance for Peacebuilding (AfP) has grown from a small cluster of conflict resolution practitioners to a rich and diverse network of over 15,000 individuals and organizations that are active in more than 153 countries. Founded in 1999 as the Applied Conflict Resolution Organization Network (ACRON), AfP began with the goal of supporting collaboration in the conflict resolution field, which was fragmented at the time. With a $1 million planning grant from the Hewlett Foundation in 2003, ACRON became the Alliance for International Conflict Prevention and Resolution (AICPR) with a broader mandate and a stronger emphasis on conflict prevention. In 2006, the organization became the Alliance for Peacebuilding, adopting a more ambitious mission and further emphasizing collaborative action.

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