Date(s) - 10/11/2017
9:00 am - 4:00 pm

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Faith and Harmful Traditional Practices

Working effectively with faith leaders to challenge harmful traditional practices

Tearfund cordially invites you to join us for this multi-dimensional event to review and discuss the findings of the DFID funded, JLI SGBV Hub research exploring the role of faith in addressing Harmful Traditional Practices.

The event will be comprised of a presentation and discussion of key findings pertaining to:
  • The language of Harmful Traditional Practices
  • Safe Spaces for facilitating conversations regarding Harmful Traditional Practices
  • The interconnection between Harmful traditional Practices, Culture, Social Norms and underlying social ideologies.
The day will include space for break-out discussions to provide attendees with the opportunity to critically engage with the findings and discuss the implications and opportunities that these offer.
​Please RSVP by Thursday 26th October by emailing Natalia Lester-Bush at [email protected].