“Faith-based Interventions in Peace, Conflict and Violence: A Scoping Study” was launched at the World Humanitarian Summit on May 23, 2016 at the JLIF&LC & Soka Gakkai International Side Event “Evidence on Religious Groups’ Contributions to Humanitarian Response”. For more information about the launch, please visit: www.jliflc.com/whs
See full Scoping Study here: www.jliflc.com/peace-and-conflict-scoping-report
An Evidence Brief for the WHS, based on the Scoping Study and linked to WHS Core Commitment 1 “Global leadership to prevent and end conflict”, is available here.
“Faith-based Interventions in Peace, Conflict and Violence: A Scoping Study” was authored by Chris Shannahan and Laura Payne of Coventry University, in close collaboration with the JLIF&LC Peace & Conflict Hub Members and Co-Chairs: Sarah Pickwick (World Vision), Alpaslan Ozerdem (Coventry University) and Lucy Salek (Islamic Relief). For more information or to join the Peace & Conflict Learning Hub, please visit: peace-and-conflict.jliflc.com
Congratulations to the Peace & Conflict Learning Hub members, co-chairs, and authors!