Gender-based violence (GBV) is a form of gender injustice which affects millions of girls and women in the world and is deep rooted in social gender norms and practices. GBV is a leading cause of death, illnesses and disabilities of women at all ages. GBV is a barrier to women`s equal right to participation, citizenship and access to and control over resources.
With this publication we want to present some of the best practices and lessons learned from the
NCA Global GBV Programme 2016-2020 contributing to the right to a life free from violence by changing social norms and practices that upholds GBV. Various forms of GBV are addressed in the programme: sexual violence and exploitation, sexual slavery and trafficking, domestic violence/partner violence, child marriage, forced marriage, harmful practices like Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). NCA has worked to end GBV and promote gender justice for more than a decade in partnership with faith and interfaith-based organisations as well as other civil society organisations, women`s networks, youth groups etc.