This scoping study explores the programmes and initiatives of local faith actors (which can include formal and informal religious leaders, worship communities, faith networks, and local and national faith-based organisations) in their response to modern slavery and human trafficking in the Global South. It brings together evidence from a review of over 200 pieces of grey and academic literature and 14 interviews with practitioners. It is the most wide-ranging presentation, to date, of on-the-ground work of local faith actors (LFAs) responding to modern slavery and human trafficking in the Global South.

This report highlights many initiatives of LFAs, including those related to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking (often through education and awareness), as well as the wide array of services they provide related to protecting and caring for survivors. The report also explores the ways in which LFAs support prosecution processes, and how some engage in policy-related work with governmental agencies and policy stakeholders.


Suggested Citation:

Frame, J., Tuckey, M., White, L., Tomalin, E. (2019) ‘Faith and freedom: the role of local faith actors in anti-modern slavery and human trafficking – a scoping study.’ Scoping Study. Washington D C: Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local Communities: Anti-Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery Hub.


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