Ce guide s'adresse principalement au personnel de l'UNICEF qui souhaite s'engager de manière plus stratégique avec les acteurs de la foi, notamment pour le changement social et comportemental et le plaidoyer de haut niveau, mais aussi pour des efforts programmatiques…
Published: 2021
Author:Kerida McDonald (UNICEF) and Olivia Wilkinson (Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local Communities [JLI])
Esta guía está dirigida principalmente al personal de UNICEF cuyo objetivo es implicar a más agentes religiosos estratégicos, especialmente para lograr un cambio social y de comportamiento, así como conseguir una abogacía de alto nivel, pero también para las labores…
Published: 2021
Author:Kerida McDonald (UNICEF) and Olivia Wilkinson (Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local Communities [JLI])
Este guia destina-se principalmente a funcionários do UNICEF que pretendem se envolver mais estrategicamente com agentes religiosos, particularmente para mudança social e comportamental, bem como defesa de agendas de alto nível, mas também para esforços programáticos mais amplos. Este guia…
Published: 2021
Author:Kerida McDonald (UNICEF) and Olivia Wilkinson (Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local Communities [JLI])
In the complex world of peacebuilding , the frequent invisibility of women has become a focus of attention. The challenge is perhaps best exemplified in the important United Nations Resolution 1325, which centers on women’s roles. This report shines a…
Published: 2024
Author:Luisa Banchoff
Starting in 2017, there was a notable increase in the frequency and intensity of information manipulation attacks on Muslim-led humanitarian and development aid international nongovernmental organizations (INGOs). These attacks originated with a select group of US-based anti-Muslim think tanks and…
Published: 2024
Author:Gerald T FitzGerald
The current policy brief highlights the significant potential that religious teachings and religious teachers and clerics can have in combating intimate partner violence (IPV) and how this could be leveraged by means of a case study and select published literature.…
Published: 2023
Author:Dr Romina Istratii, Benjamin Kalkum
HOST: jliflc.com
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