Aims This scoping study provides an overview of the available literature on cultural and faith-based factors in the provision of mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) in Syria and Syrian refugee communities. It is based on a collaborative review of…
Published: 2024
Author:Syria Bright Future
En tant que réseau d'apprentissage conjoint axé sur les données probantes dans le secteur des religions et du développement, on nous demande souvent de résumer les « données probantes » en matière de religions et de développement. Si cette demande peut sembler…
Published: 2022
Author:Olivia Wilkinson, Susanna Trotta, Katherine Marshall, Ezra Chitando, Emma Tomalin, John Blevins, Esther Mombo, Philipp Öhlmann, Ignatius Swart, Selina Palm, Kanykey Jailobaeva, Elisabet Le Roux, Nora Khalaf-Elledge, Susan Hayward, Erin Wilson, and Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh.
The Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local Communities (JLI) is an international network of researchers and practitioners interested in the roles of religions in humanitarian and development work. Over the years, the JLI has developed expertise in the research…
Published: 2024
Author:Dr Jennifer Philippa Eggert and Dr Olivia Wilkinson
Many religious actors implement programmes related to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Yet many religious actors would benefit from building their understanding of: how to use research evidence to increase their influence in the international humanitarian and development sectors, how…
Published: 2024
Author:Dr Olivia Wilkinson, Dr Jennifer Philippa Eggert, Sadia Kidwai
In recent decades, gender mainstreaming has become a prevalent practice in international organizations to promote social justice. However, little is known about gender integration efforts in Muslim humanitarian faith-based organizations (FBOs). Drawing on the intersection of gender and faith humanitarianism,…
Published: 2024
Author:Sandra Pertek
This brief is based on the outcomes that emerged from the Project dldl/ድልድል Annual Conference 2024 on the theme of ‘Domestic Violence, Religion and Migration’ that took place at SOAS University of London, UK. The purpose of the brief is…
Published: 2024
Author:Dr Romina Istratii, Dr Natalia Paszkiewicz, Dr Mahmoud Ali Gomaa Afifi
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