Food for the Hungry seeks to end ALL forms of human poverty by addressing the physical, spiritual and relational needs of vulnerable people. They have been serving through relief and development since 1971 currently serve in over 20 countries globally. They partner with local leaders to develop transformative solutions, which are both sustainable and implemented at the hands of the communities themselves.
Vision: All forms of human poverty ended worldwide.
Mission: Together we follow God’s call responding to human suffering and graduating communities from extreme poverty.
Faith Affiliation: Christianity
They’re moved and inspired by Christian belief that every person has intrinsic value, and that it’s their responsibility to advocate for the poor and marginalized without regard to race, creed or nationality and without adverse distinction of any kind. They serve on the basis of need alone. They strive to respect the culture and customs of the people they serve in order to preserve their humanity and dignity.
Their Approach: Focusing on four phases for community development that we believe create a foundation for resilience and self-sufficiency. They enter communities with the intention of graduating them in approximately 10-12 years. Their goal is to walk alongside communities so that they continue to thrive.
Key Facts: With the help of 2,000 employees and many volunteers, Food for the Hungry reaches 20 different countries.
Sustainable Development Goals: SDG 1
Key Programs
- Agriculture
- Education
- Health
- Livelihoods
- Spiritual Development
- Disaster Response
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