This Guide updates the learning on Outcome Harvesting + Attitude Change (OH+AC), an adapted version of Outcome Harvesting (OH) that adds the consideration of attitudes while upholding OH’s primary concepts and core principles. Whereas OH centers behavior change among social change actors, attitudes can be a valuable addition to OH wherever inner transformation is essential for achieving the outward behavior change that drives social change program results, or wherever attitudes are particularly central to the worldview of program stakeholders. There has been significant experience and feedback since the trial version OH+AC toolkit, originally published by Tearfund, was launched in 2020. It is time to share what we have learned.

One key learning is that most colleagues find it easier to learn OH+AC if they already have a solid grasp of OH. So, unlike the trial version toolkit, this update is designed for evaluation facilitators with some OH experience. We assume some evaluation basics, and we keep the reminders of OH basics to a minimum. However, we do not assume that you are an OH expert or that English is your first language. We aim to explain the addition of attitude considerations to OH in a way that is complete and clear.

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