Papua New Guinea Church Partnership Program
Seventh-day Adventist Church and Adventist Development and Relief Agency
The following case study takes in a small sampling of activities conducted by the Adventist Church under the Papua New Guinea Church Partnership Program between 2010 and 2012. The three sampled activities are:
1. SDA Family Life – Family Life Leadership training to equip, resource and empower family life
counsellors and advocates to provide leadership on all family life programs, trainings and
counselling program to ensure communities have access to information’s and services.
2. HIV/AIDS Education – Addressing HIV/AIDS in rural communities in Gulf Province and
empowering locals to own and sustain HIV/AIDS community programs and establishing
community resource and VCCT centres.
3. Elementary Teacher Training – Provision of training to over 150 elementary teachers on a two
months per year program over three years through Sonoma Teaching College.