Tearfund, on behalf of the JLI Sexual and Gender-based Violence (SGBV) Hub, has been chosen by The Department for International Development (DFID) to lead a on development a research project, “Working effectively with faith leaders to challenge harmful traditional practices (HTP)”.
Veena O’Sullivan, the Hub Secretariat, will lead the project with a research team with Elisabet le Roux (Stellenbosch), Brenda Bartelink (University of Groningen) and Shereen El Feki, with support from JLI SGBV Hub co-chairs (Diana Arango, World Bank and Liz Dartnall, SVRI), Hub advisory committee, Hub members and the JLI Knowledge Manager.
The project will conduct a literature review focusing on the five most prevalent HTP and faith actors. Subsequently, the review will guide selection of case studies for a multi-case study investigation conducted with international faith-based organizations working with faith leaders to address HTP. The case studies will be followed by an online survey to provide a more comprehensive scope of the knowledge gathered on HTP and FBOs role.
Results will be published in an online toolkit on the JLI website by November and preliminary results disseminated at the SVRI conference in Rio in September 2017. For more information, please join the hub.