Inter Faith Declaration on Mobilizing Faith Communities to End Sexual Violence in Conflict

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An international collaboration on evidence for faith actors’ activities, contributions, and challenges to achieving humanitarian and development goals. Founded in 2012, JLI came together with a single shared conviction: there is an urgent need to build our collective understanding, through evidence, of faith actors in humanitarianism and development.

Standing in solidarity: faith leaders and politicians, led by William Hague and the activist Angelina Jolie-Pitt, at Lancaster House, London, this week

Standing in solidarity: faith leaders and politicians, led by William Hague and the activist Angelina Jolie-Pitt, at Lancaster House, London, this week. Photo credit: Church Times


Angelina Jolie-Pitt tells faith leaders that faith values are more powerful than armies

The United Nations special envoy for refugees Angelina Jolie-Pitt told faith leaders they were in a “powerful position” to end sexual violence in conflict.

A two-day conference drawing together leaders of various faiths from across the world began today in London, organized by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Speakers stressed the prosperity of this crime depended on the impunity of bystanders, and faith leaders were urged to adopt five recommendations, outlined in a declaration that was signed at the end of the conference.

The need to defend values of faith and human rights, recognizing the role of faith leaders in ending impunity, the role of faith leaders and communities in supporting survivors, engaging men and boys and the role of faith leaders in peace building and peace processes were stressed as key to ending sexual violence in conflict.

The conference was organized in partnership with the We Will Speak Out coalition. For church training resources and information on positive masculinities and the need to engage men and boys in this area, visit and

Read the full version of this article at Evangelical Alliance here. To sign the declaration, click here.