This brief is aimed at policymakers, practitioners and donors working on PVE, conflict and peace and/or research capacity-sharing. It summarises key learnings from a PVE-focused collaborative research capacity-sharing project implemented by the Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local Communities…
Published: 2023
Author:Jennifer Philippa Eggert
The United Refugee and Host Churches (URHC) is an association of churches in Kakuma Refugee Camp (Kenya) and the surrounding community of Turkana founded and operated by refugees and local Turkana people. Originally founded in 1996, this group addressed ongoing…
Published: 2015
Author:David Boan
The current crisis in CAR began in December 2012, when the northern-based Muslim Séléka forces overthrew the government, forcing then-president François Bozizé to flee the country. This led to the formation of Christian self-defense militia groups, the Anti-Balaka. Since then…
Published: 2017
Author:Isis Sunwoo, Rahel Cascioli Sharp, Edouard Ndong
The Role of Religion in Preventing Violence November 8, 2017 The Cordoba Foundation of Geneva, in partnership with the Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers, the Peace Research Institute Oslo, Inclusive Peace & Transition Initiative, and the World Council of Churches, is…
Published: 2017
Was religion a friend or foe in the post-conflict statebuilding endeavours of Iraq and Afghanistan? An under-explored area in academia and policy circles alike, religious institutions are important non-state actors that wield considerable influence and can draw upon extensive resources.…
Published: 2015
Author:Denis Dragovic
THIS IS A SUMMARY of the Religion in Conflict and Peacebuilding Analysis Guide, which is written for people working to address violent conflicts where religion plays a role in the conflict or can play a role in peacebuilding. It provides…
Published: 2018
Author:Owen Frazer and Mark Owen
The World Faiths Development Dialogue, with financial support from the GHR Foundation, selected Kenya for a case study to identify and better understand the roles religion plays in building peace, with particular attention to inter-religious relations and collaboration. Kenya offers…
Published: 2016
Responding to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s World Humanitarian Summit initiative, the Sovereign Order of Malta set up a Symposium to consider the question: 'Do faith-based institutions have an added value in humanitarian action particularly in conflict situations?’ Two high level…
Published: 2015
Author:The Order of Malta and World Humanitarian Summit
This online conference takes stock of developments relating to the engagement between humanitarians and religious actors aimed at generating greater compliance with humanitarian norms in times of armed conflict. It seeks to serve as a platform for exchange and reflection…
Published: 2021
This article explores the role of Religious Leader Engagement (RLE), a capability under development in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and operational focus of the CAF Chaplain Branch. It stands as a recent contribution to the Comprehensive Approach. Full length…
Published: 2013
Author:S.K. Moore
Brief from the Center for Security Studies in Zurich Religion is a factor in conflict and further understanding of the relationship is needed to resolve these conflicts. Challenges and opportunities in mitigating religious conflicts and effective approaches.
Published: 2018
Author:The Center for Security Studies (CSS) ETH Zurich
Role of Religion and Religious Leaders in Farmer-Pastoralist Conflict in Plateau State: An Inter-Religious Peacebuilding in Northern Nigeria (IPNN) Qualitative Research Report In the context of persistent, low-intensity conflict, which has characterized Nigeria’s Middle Belt for the past decade, Mercy…
Published: 2016
Author:Mercy Corps and GHR Foundation
Religion is a positive force for peacebuilding and preventing violent extremisms (PVE). Indeed, religious institutions and actors play an important role in building peace yet underutilized instruments in the prevention and resolution of violent extremisms. The objective of this research…
Published: 2023
Author:Moti Daba
Background: Community-level reconciliation, essential in conflict-affected contexts, involves efforts to promote intergroup relationships and to build trust. These processes are related to the development of social capital, which alongside the reduction of horizontal inequalities is a key component of social…
Published: 2020
Author:Christian Action for Development & Support (CADS)
Article by Saferworld Bangladesh, January 2016 By involving religious leaders and using their influence in the local community, a Saferworld project in Bangladesh has been able to more effectively address safety and security issues and promote peace, write G.M. Shoeb…
Published: 2016
This Questionnaire provides Peace & Conflict Hub members with the chance to input into the writing of the Scoping Paper to be launched at the Global Religious Forum at the World Humanitarian Summit in May 2016. The Questionnaire gives Hub…
Published: 2015
This article underlines the need to move beyond the exhausted notion of all religions preaching peace to studying the specific manner in which violence is legitimised in each religion. This is the first step liberal secularists need to take if…
Published: 2016
Author:Vivek Sharma
Our 2022 State of the Evidence in Religions and Development is now available in Sinhala! Disclaimer: We would like to extend our gratitude to the Cathedral Institute of Education and Formation in Sri Lanka for providing the Sinhala translation of…
Published: 2022
Niger is a secular country with a Muslim majority. The communities live in harmonious peace and cultivate the spirit of living together regardless of ethnic or religious differences. Freedom of worship is a reality in the country. However, in recent decades,…
Published: 2023
Author:Mamane Yachaou
Our 2022 State of the Evidence in Religions and Development is now available in Tamil! Disclaimer: We would like to extend our gratitude to the Cathedral Institute of Education and Formation in Sri Lanka for providing the Tamil translation of…
Published: 2022
The intention of this Hub is to be a horizontal learning community that links academics, policy makers and practitioners working on issues of faith and peace/conflict, within two areas (1) A ‘faith based approach’ to peacebuilding, conflict prevention & conflict resolution and (2) multi faith/inter religious co-operation and programming .
Published: 2015
The Capacity for Interreligious Community Action program (CIRCA) was a three-year capacity-building program financed by GHR Foundation and supplemented by Catholic Relief Services (CRS). The overarching goal of the program was to contribute to human development and more peaceful coexistence…
Published: 2017
Author:Mark M. Rogers
On 10 April 2014, the UN Security Council unanimously decided that a peacekeeping mission would be sent to the Central African Republic in September 2014. This is a remarkable step, one which until recently was considered implausible. What is even more extraordinary…
Published: 2014
Author:Geneva Liaison Office of the World Evangelical Alliance
This study explores how resilient and vulnerable youth active in interfaith are to hate speech and the correlation between hate speech and mental health among youth aged 18 to 35 years old who are activists/volunteers in interfaith in Lebanon.
Published: 2023
Author:Ali Mahmoud
Hi Voices conducted a review of previous research and a new survey both in person and online to analyze youth behavior towards people of other religions, their interaction and learnings with them. We conducted a survey from 366 young people…
Published: 2023
Author:Ali Raza Khan
This article that frames the problem of secularism, democracy and communalism in India with specific reference to the rise of Hindu nationalism. The writer of the article, Sharma argues "As the American relationship with India deepens, U.S. policy makers and observers…
Published: 2015
Author:Vivek Swaroop Sharma
This contribution from an insider Muslim author provides peace workers with a few resources from Islamic tradition that could be used when addressing a conflict rooted in an Islamic context. It presents briefly a number of basic Islamic concepts that…
Published: 2013
Author:Abbas Aroua, with a foreword by Johan Galtung
The Review of Faith and International Affairs has just published a special series on Reconsidering Religious Radicalism See Full Journal Here Includes the following articles: Reconsidering Religious Radicalism: An Introduction to the Summer 2017 Issue Judd Birdsall & Drew Collins Radicalism,…
Published: 2017
Author:Jill Olivier
South Sudan has been embroiled in a cycle of violent conflict since it attained independence from the Sudan through a popular plebiscite where about 99% of its citizens voted for secession – ushering in the world’s newest country in the…
Published: 2023
Author:Patrick Godi
The British Academy's latest international policy report explores how the role of religion in conflict and peacebuilding has all too often been depicted in binary terms, which have obscured the complexity of the subject. The report argues that religion is…
Published: 2015
Author:Sara Silvestri and James Mayall
The eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo has been plunged into a deep and multifaceted crisis for several decades. This is characterized in particular by violent conflicts between the local communities (generally ethnic) which accuse each other and…
Published: 2023
Author:Joseph Tsongo
As a joint learning network focused on evidence in religions and development, we (i.e., JLI) are often asked to summarize the “evidence” on religions and development. While that may seem like a simple request, it is, in fact, a complicated…
Published: 2022
Author:Olivia Wilkinson, Susanna Trotta, Katherine Marshall, Ezra Chitando, Emma Tomalin, John Blevins, Esther Mombo, Philipp Öhlmann, Ignatius Swart, Selina Palm, Kanykey Jailobaeva, Elisabet Le Roux, Nora Khalaf-Elledge, Susan Hayward, Erin Wilson, and Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh.
There has been an increase in research on narratives in extremist communication and their role in radicalization processes as well as on both counter- and alternative narratives as tools to prevent or counter radicalization processes. Absent from the PVE literature…
Published: 2023
Author:Sheku Anna Chundung
Youth inclusion, freedom of religion or belief (FoRB), and conflict transformation are interconnected; there will be no lasting peace without addressing all three. Conflict and fragile settings are rife with FoRB violations, which act as both drivers and consequences of…
Published: 2023
Author:Rachel Forster
This paper discusses Islamic traditions of peace and conflict resolution, and argues that nonviolent and the peaceful resolution of conflicts has been an integral aspect of Islamic tradition since the time of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). This paper also discusses…
Published: 2013
Author:Islamic Relief Worldwide
This report, published with the Cambridge Institute on Religion and International Studies (CIRIS), offers background on the January 2016 Marrakesh Declaration on the Rights of Minorities in Predominantly Muslim Majority Communities. Muslim scholars and politicians issued the Marrakesh Declaration as…
Published: 2016
Author:Susan Hayward
The aim of this Toolkit is to help lower the discomfort of USAID staff in making the analytical and programmatic connections between conflict, religion and peacebuilding. The Key Issues section provides additional arguments for why development practitioners should—and can—address religion…
Published: 2009
L'inclusion des jeunes, la liberté de religion ou de conviction et la transformation des conflits sont liées ; il n'y aura pas de paix durable sans aborder les trois. Les conflits violents et les contextes fragiles donnent lieu à de…
Published: 2023
Author:Rachel Forster
This study uses storytelling techniques to highlight the perspectives and thoughts about Italian far-right parties of three Muslim Italian women based in northern Italy. They represent three different paths that intersect when it comes to spirituality, social activism, representation and…
Published: 2023
Author:Khadija Tirha
The presentation offers an overview the World Council of Council of Churches' Ecumenical Framework for Peace. The 27 pages of the PowerPoint contain diagrams, figures and texts that explain the relationships between ecumenism and peace under the umbrella of the…
Published: 2017
Based on collaborative research with faith groups and organisations in Nigeria, the Solomon Islands and Zanzibar (Tanzania), this paper examines faith-based forms of violent conflict prevention. It argues that faith-based approaches exist on a spectrum, from instinctive and ad hoc…
Published: 2020
Author:Laura Payne
Partners: Tearfund and Queen Margaret University, supported by the Universities of Duhok and the American University of Kurdistan, in the Duhok Governorate Location: Kurdistan Region of Iraq Religions involved: Yezidi and Muslim research participants. Tearfund is a Christian faith-based organization. The research…
Published: 2017
In South Kivu in the Eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), various church actors have chosen to involve in advocacy and mobilization through a formalized civil society structure known as La Société Civile (LSC). In this article,…
Published: 2017
Author:Bwimana Aembe and David Jordhus-Lier
Reflections and recommendations on "Working on Religion, Peace and Conflict in Theravada Buddhist Countries" arising from an exchange between peacebuilding practitioners held 19-21 March 2015 in Bangkok, Thailand. The reflection contains four pages. They include highlights and summarized recommendations.
Published: 2015
Author:Owen Frazer and Martine Miller
From analysis to action: World Vision’s journey of rapid context analysis in humanitarian emergencies This briefing explains one of the tools that World Vision has developed in order to assess contexts rapidly: ‘Good Enough Context Analysis for Rapid Response’ (GECARR).…
Published: 2016
Author:Sarah Klassen, Sarah Pickwick, Johan Eldebo
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