Psychological First Aid (PFA) is the recommended immediate psychosocial response during crises. As PFA is now widely implemented in crises worldwide, there are increasing calls to evaluate its effectiveness. World Vision used PFA as a fundamental component of their emergency…
Published: 2016
Author:Alison Schafer, Leslie Snider and Rania Sammour
This toolkit presents an overview of how youth programs across the globe accommodate religion, identifying positive outcomes and challenges from case studies in the field. The toolkit starts by examining the different types of programming engaging young people and their…
Published: 2017
Author:Search for Common Ground
Over the past years in Senegal, AJWS has supported 17 grassroots organizations building a movement to bring lasting peace to the region of Casamance, which has been plagued by violent conflict for over 30 years. To achieve peace and better…
Published: 2015
This paper is written for policy makers and conflict transformation practitioners working on conflicts with religious dimensions. It aims to support policy and practice by providing a conceptual framework to strengthen analysis of the role that religion plays in conflict.…
Published: 2015
Author:Owen Frazer and Richard Friedli
Religion has become increasingly important in conflict resolution worldwide. Religious leaders may play a key role in mobilising believers as they can call for peace or instigate violence. But what makes religious leaders support peace or promote violence? Several studies…
Published: 2023
Author:Dismas Massawe
Building a Just World examines The Salvation Army's contribution to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) - the UN's sustainable development programme between 2000 and 2015. Using data collected by The Salvation Army during that period, this report aims to give…
Published: 2017
In January 2014, during the worst violence in the Central African Republic’s most recent civil war, Mercy Corps launched a unique humanitarian program in the country’s two most socio-economically vital cities, Bangui and Bouar. The program set out to help…
Published: 2016
Catholic Relief Services (CRS) developed this training in response to very practical needs in the field and has implemented it successfully in two distinct settings: (1) a conflict context in which development grants would be forged by a consortium of organizations, and…
Published: 2017
End of Project Management Report September 2016 to February 2018 Children as Peace Builders in Damara Sous prefecture Locations: Gbago, Dombe, Bossele, Damara, Binima, Oumba, Tangue, Vangue, Gbozo, Guerengou Project Goal: To increase access to livelihood assistance to conflict-affected children, especially…
Published: 2018
Author:World Vision CAR
This report is based on discussions and interviews with leading CSOs and private sector companies operating within the CVE, prevention, and resilience spaces. Leaders from across the sector agree with policymakers on the urgent need to combat the rise in…
Published: 2016
Author:Abbas Barzegar, Shawn Powersm and Nagham El Karhili
Although many crime victims seek support from members of the faith community, faith leaders may feel unsure of their abilities to assist. This paper describes findings from a descriptive needs assessment that preceded a national project to link faith-based organizations…
Published: 2010
Author:Dana DeHart
Presentation from Maryam Dada Ibrahim at Faith Works Africa: Partnerships for Peace and Prosperity on Conflict Prevention, Migration and Counter Violent Extremism. Includes next steps and recommendations in engaging faith based groups.
Published: 2016
Author:Maryam Dada Ibrahim
Full Article Link:
Published: 2016
The Syrian crisis has brought to the forefront the enormous challenges that families face in the context of war and displacement. To date, over 7 million people are internally displaced; at least half of those internally and externally displaced are…
Published: 2016
Author:A. El-Khani, K. Cartwright, A. Redmond and R. Calam
The culmination of more than 400 representatives from the three Abrahamic faiths assembled at the Alliance of Virtue in Washington, DC on February 7, 2018. The Alliance of Virtue was formed in Mecca, and included in its embrace the Prophet…
Published: 2018
Development in Practice has recently published a special edition issue on Faith and Health in Development Contexts- July 2017. See Full Journal Here Preview of Articles in the special edition: Guest introduction: faith and health in development contexts Christopher Benn Faith…
Published: 2017
Author:Develpment in Practice
Progress Study on Youth, Peace and Security Prepared by the Soka Gakkai International October 2017 In March 2011, the northeast region of Japan known as Tohoku1 was hit by a natural disaster of enormous magnitude: The Great East Japan Earthquake.…
Published: 2017
This manual is designed for facilitators of the ‘Do No Harm for Faith Groups: Christian-Muslim Edition’ workshop for partners. The participants in these workshops are religious leaders and faith-based organisation (FBO) staff who work closely with the host organisation. The…
Published: 2017
Author:Esther Silalahi With Dilshan Annaraj, Lucy V. Salek and Matthew J.O. Scott
Alliance for Peacebuilding (AfP), in collaboration with CDA Collaborative Learning and Search for Common Ground (SFCG) recently convened a group of 30 leading experts to discuss how to better measure the effectiveness of inter-and intra-religious action for peacebuilding. The meeting…
Published: 2016
Author:Sarah McLaughlin and Michelle Garred
Effective Inter-religious Action in Peacebuilding (EIAP) Guide for Program Evaluation Peter Woodrow and Michelle Garred, with assistance from Diana Chigas, and contributions from David Steele and Ricardo Wilson-Grau CDA Collaborative Learning Projects The Alliance for Peacebuilding and its partners in…
Published: 2016
Author:Peter Woodrow and Michelle Garred
This case study provides an overview of how a peace movement led by lay religious women inspired people across ethnic and religious lines and helped bring an end to the Second Liberian Civil War (1999-2003). The study examines this Liberian…
Published: 2016
Author:George Kieh
In 2016 the Secretary General presented a report titled One Humanity: Shared Responsibility. The report identifies five core responsibilities that will be the focus of discussion and proposed action. The JLIF&LC has prepared evidence briefs linked to each of these responsibilities. Each…
Published: 2016
The Myanmar Media and Society Project (M.MAS, a collaboration between the Programme on Modern Burmese Studies at St Antony’s College, University of Oxford and MIDO, the Myanmar ICT for Development Organization) was initially set up to do research into the…
Published: 2017
Author:Matthew J Walton, Matt Schissler & Phyu Phyu Thi
"Faith-based Interventions in Peace, Conflict and Violence: A Scoping Study" was launched at the World Humanitarian Summit on May 23, 2016 at the JLIF&LC & Soka Gakkai International Side Event "Evidence on Religious Groups' Contributions to Humanitarian Response". For more…
Published: 2016
Author:Chris Shannahan, Laura Payne, Coventry University
With the unexpected and disconcerting reemergence of religion as a first order cleavage in global politics, scholars and policy makers have been scrambling to bring some analytical order to the phenomenon. In this article, the author seeks to show why…
Published: 2016
Author:Vivek Swaroop Sharma
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